The hemp history

Did you know, that up until 1883, hemp was the planet’s largest agricultural crop and the base of thousands of products associated with Hemp. It was by far the largest ingredient of the earth’s fibers, textiles, lamp oil, paper and medicinal industries along with many other applications.

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why hemp

Hemp was the first plant humans started growing.

The origin of hemp can be documented to approximately 30,000 years back in history. It is believed that Hemp was the first plant to be grown as a crop and started the process of the human race becoming an agriculturally based race.

In the 1600s, the first settlers traveled from Europe to the United States. The demand for ropes and textiles was so great that a law of 1619 mandated the cultivation of hemp in order to meet this need.

Back in 1776, a Cotton shirt cost between 500 and 1000 kroner and a Hemp shirt between 5 and 10 kroner; in fact 80% of all textiles were made of hemp until sometime in the 1800s. Due to the fact that Hemp was the “cheaper” product, cotton was supported by the state and thus the “finer” cotton became more popular than Hemp fabrics.

Incredible facts about hemp

Until 1883, the Hemp plant was the planet’s largest agricultural crop and the base of thousands of products associated with Hemp. It was by far the largest ingredient of the earth’s fibers, textiles, lamp oil, paper and medicinal industries along with many other applications. In fact, Canvas is the Dutch pronunciation of the Greek word for Cannabis. Canvas sails are just one example of a Hemp based product and pretty much all the rope, fishing nets and lubrication are examples of what Hemp was used for.

Henry Ford made a car almost entirely from Hemp and found that it could also run on Hemp-based fuel, meaning that you could potentially replace 90% of fossil fuel with Hamp.

it was also halted by the “ban” in 1937, in fact it went American. medical association The American Medical Association against the tax that was really a ban. I am not sure what you would like to say here.

The first country in which medical documentation related to Hemp is available is China, as early as 2737 BC. While Eastern medicine was not widely accepted, India was an inspiration to many, where they made an extract from the Hemp plant that was used in the treatment of Epilepsy, Rabies, tetanus and arthritic patients with great success. Pregnant women were also advised to take cannabis.

The list of diseases that Cannabis has shown to help with is very long as well as the history of the many diseases cannabis has played a role in curing or providing relief from. In the 1800’s there was a significant increase in the focus around the Hemp plant, resulting in a strong mix of the Indica (Marijuana) plant and the Sativa plant (Hemp industry) creating a synthetic version of THC, the psychoactive or ‘euphoric’ ingredient that was used for pain treatment.

So: Why was hemp banned?

In the early 1900’s a very large part of medicine was cannabis, so it can be difficult to understand why the Hemp plant was banned if it was so beneficial. The reason is quite simply that the Hemp plant is and was too strong and many individuals in business had an interest in it being banned. There were 4 factors that played a significant role in the ban.

Firstly, there was a large immigration to the United States from the Middle Americas. The immigrants brought marijuana with them as it was part of their culture, but this clashed with the American belief and religious system so a movement against immigration came into play based on religious beliefs and fueled by the ‘marijuana’ abuse theory. They clearly advocated a ban on any Cannabis products, including Hemp.

 Secondly, and as a result of the above, an extremely high tax on Hemp was introduced that made it unprofitable to farm any longer.

Thirdly, the nylon rope industry was hugely opposed to hemp-based rope as it was stronger than its nylon counterparts and the nylon rope industry has a strong lobby.

The fourth driver behind the Hemp ban was the paper industry. Even though Hemp based paper uses less chemicals, lasts longer and only uses 25% of the forest space required to product the same amount of wood for paper, the paper industry was huge and also had a strong lobby.

A further factor around the ban was the onset of the Pharma industry that started to extract synthetic THC and clearly, Hemp went against this process.

How the US funded the Israeli hemp research

 In the 1980s, President Ronald Reagan gave millions of dollars to Israel for Cannabis research, aimed at proving that cannabis harmed the human brain and development. The reason for the research was based on the fact that 34% (the highest percentage) of soldiers returning from Vietnam were smoking marijuana. An important result emerged from the research, namely the endocannabinoid system. This discovery showed, for the first time, how cannabis actually affects humans and animals.

Israel has been doing basic research since 1960 and is the world leader in Cannabis related research and trials with results clearly showing that cannabis / Cannabinoids help in virtually all diseases … simply because they enable the body to help itself, or “heal” itself. 

Stuart Titus: A man with a mission

Stuart Titus is the person behind the fantastic movement to bring Hemp and cannabis back into abundance for human and animal well-being, as well as for the planet’s environment.

He owned numerous major physiotherapy clinics in the US and worked with top athletes, some of whom took cannabis and healed faster and had less pain but had difficulty passing doping control due to the 0.2% THC that is in industrial hemp. Based on this, Stuart decided to find a way to standardize Cannabis oil and get it done without THC. He managed to solve the challenge and the product he created today is present in medical books in several places around the world, including the US PDR.

Brazil has been a highlight point on the journey to bring Cannabis, as a medicinal treatment, back to the world. A 4-year old girl suffering from extreme epilepsy, employed the Echo oil program and went from a staggering 60 seizures a week to virtually being seizure free. Her Cannabis oil then got stopped in customs and the girl’s seizures returned. A lawsuit was brought against the Brazilian government and the nature / cannabis oil won, opening the door for this Cannabis product to be prescribed for a wide range of diseases in Brazil. Stuart Titus became a front runner in the push to make cannabis globally available and accepted in order to benefit both human and animal health, as well as drive change related to the planet’s environmental issues.


How to find the best products

There are many producers of cannabis oil today with no official control of the products. This makes it difficult for consumers to find their way and alongside the lack of control, there is also a lot of contradictory information out there.

Due to the fact that Stuart Titus worked with top athletes, safety was of paramount importance and therefore 2 important processes were established;

1. Trilpelab test – which means that the raw material is tested as the first step, it is tested again during the during the machining process and the final product is tested, not only for Cannabiods, but also for toxins that could be present in the product.

2. From the start of the business, an agreement was made with an independent laboratory also doing an impartial test of the company products.

The company today exports to over 40 countries and Stuart Titus is the man who has created a standard in Cannabis by stating the contents of: mg (not in%). He also allows external organizations to test their products and show the results publicly in a transparent manner. 

Towards a new reality with hemp

Although not in the interest of the monstrous pharmaceutical and oil industry, there is no doubt that Hemp is on its way back with tremendous force to the benefit of human and animal health as well as the globe’s ecosystem. The Hemp plant has the ability to reverse the greenhouse effect, purify our air, water and soil as well as provide us with clothing and shelter in a sustainable manner. By harnessing the capabilities of hemp, not only does the production of plastic, fuel and paper become significantly cheaper but it has the added benefit of helping solve the world’s climate problem and significantly improving the quality of life for both humans and animals

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