Why hemp?

About Trine

The hemp history

Hemp is of great benefit to human and animal health, as well as the globe’s ecosystem.

The Hemp plant has the ability to reverse the greenhouse effect, purify our air, water and soil as well as provide us with clothing and shelter in a sustainable manner. By harnessing the capabilities of hemp, not only does the production of plastic, fuel and paper become significantly cheaper but it has the added benefit of helping solve the world’s climate problem and significantly improving the quality of life for both humans and animals.

In today’s times, humans have a significant lack of the ‘signal substance’, Cannabinoids in their bodies. When we experience this lack of these signal substances, the brain battles to understand where in the body a problem or infection stems from and instead of sending the correct remedy directly to the needed area, the brain instead registers a malfunction. This results in the problem or infection going unremedied.

Israel in front in sience

Israeli scientists are the leaders in cannabis research and started basic research as far back as the 1940’s. Recent research and trials clearly indicate that when the body has the correct level of cannabinoids present, this can affect a large number of diseases in a positive manner.

The Israeli’s are not the only people researching the potential benefits of Cannabis and on the 1st of January 2017, an article was published in Education, Scientific Cannabinoid Research that highlighted the huge potential of Cannabis. The article describes the positive effects of cannabinoids in as many as 51 severe diseases and shows that a cannabis, or Cannabinoid deficiency, is the common denominator in these cases.

Hemp is changing lifes of humans and animals

There is no shortage of stories showcasing people’s experiences where Cannabis has completely changed their lives, allowing them to stop taking medication and lead an improved quality of life.

Of course, there are also stories from people who have tried Cannabis and claimed that it has had no effect on them. When you look into their stories, there are two common denominators that may be the cause of this ‘no effect’. The first denominator is that they only took the Cannabis for a short period of time, when you need to take it for at least 6 months to allow the Cannabinoids to build up to the correct level in your system.

The second denominator and probably the most thought provoking of the two, is the fact that the products that they have taken, have not contained the level, or grade of Cannabis as described in the label of contents. In fact, when the FDA collected all the Cannabis products available on the market to test the actual contents, versus the stated contents on the label, only two companies showed matching results.

So clearly, it is of utmost importance to find a Cannabis product where you are 100% certain that the contents match the label of ingredients and that the quality of the Cannabis is top grade and preferably guaranteed and traceable.

Hemp is a booming industry

Hemp is a booming industry and probably the biggest trend in the world today. This means that a lot of people and companies are trying to get a piece of the cake without having much knowledge about what it takes to produce quality Cannabis products. This, along with very little control of the products being produced is unfortunately the result of people wanting to be in just to make money.

When it comes to scientific studies, there are rules and regulations that make it very difficult to research Cannabis and unfortunately this prevents many scientific tests from being undertaken. One can ask why big industry doesn’t show more of an interest in such a ‘clean’ plant and associated products, but it could be argued that it is a strange coincidence that the big pharmaceutical companies also finance the bodies that approve drugs for widespread use. One example of this is the Danish Medicines Agency.

Hemp can help solve some of our biggest climate problems

The hemp plant can truly add to the solution to solve some of the biggest climate problems we face today. All plastic can be made from Hemp, fuel for cars can be produced along with paper. Just these 3 things will change the climate challenges significantly. Besides being cheaper to produce plastic from Hemp, it can be broken down in nature. Fuel too would be cheaper and there would be far less CO2 emissions. Hemp-based paper requires fewer chemicals to produce and it lasts much longer not to mention the benefit of less logging and deforestation.

Darrel L. Tanelian, M: D., Ph.D. writes:

The oil extracted from the seed from the hemp plant, has among the lowest content of saturated fatty acids, at 8% of total volume. The oil contains 55% linoleic acid and about 5% linolenic acid. Only flax oil has a higher linoleic acid content of 58%, but hemp seed oil has the highest number of essential fatty acids, at 80%.

These essential fatty acids are responsible for our immune system.

In the old days, the peasants ate hemp butter. They were more resistant to disease than the nobles, who rejected hemp butter as a poor man’s diet.

Hemp: Nature’s Forgotten Nutraceutical

(Courtesy of Fresh Hemp Foods)

Darrell L. Tanelian, M.D., Ph.D.

Whatever challenges we have, it is due to the fact that there is an imbalance in the body. The body cannot create the correct balance, based on the fact that the body’s “signal system” or Cannabinoid level, is not strong enough. I would highly recommend taking Cannabis oil for a period of 6 months (and ongoing after that) and then I am convinced that you will notice a marked improvement in your quality of life.

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